
  1. D. Chocyk, A. Prószyński, G. Gładyszewski, S. Labat, P. Gergaud, O. Thomas
    Stresses in multilayered systems: test of the ,,sin2”method
    Advanced Engineering Materials 4 (8) (2002) 557-561.

  2. D. Chocyk, A. Prószyński, G. Gładyszewski, S. Labat, P. Gergaud, O. Thomas
    Determination of stress in Au/Ni multilayers by symmetric and asymmetric x-ray diffraction
    Optica Applicata (XXXII) 3 (2002) 333-337.

  3. T. Pieńkos, L. Gładyszewski, A. Prószyński, D. Chocyk, G. Gładyszewski, F. Martin, C. Jaouen, M. Drouet, B. Lamongie
    Stress development during thin film growth and its modification under ion irradiation
    Vacuum 70 (2003) 243-248.

  4. T. Pieńkos, A. Prószyński, D. Chocyk, L. Gładyszewski, G. Gładyszewski
    Stress development during evaporation of Cu and Ag on silicon
    Microelectronic Engineering 70(2-4) (2003) 442-446.

  5. D. Chocyk, T. Zientarski, A. Prószyński, T. Pieńkos, L. Gładyszewski, G. Gładyszewski
    Evolution of stress and structure in Cu thin films
    Crystal Research and Technology 40, (2005) 509-516.

  6. A. Prószyński, D. Chocyk, G. Gładyszewski, T. Pieńkos, L. Głdyszewski
    Stress measurements as a function of temperature in Ag and Cu thin films
    Optica Applicata Vol. 35 (3) (2005) 517-522.

  7. T. Pieńkos, L. Gładyszewski, A. Prószyński, D. Chocyk, G. Gładyszewski
    Determination of surface waviness using radius of curvature measurement with laser scanning technique
    Optica Applicata Vol. 35 (3) (2005) 503-507.

  8. D. Chocyk, A. Prószyński, G. Gładyszewski, T. Pieńkos, L. Gładyszewski
    Post-deposition stress evolution in Cu and Ag thin films
    Optica Applicata Vol. 35 (3) (2005) 419-424.

  9. G. Gładyszewski, D. Chocyk, A. Prószyński, T. Pieńkos
    Stress development during intermitted evaporation of Cu and Ag on silicon
    Microelectronic Engineering Vol. 83 (2006) 2351-2354.

  10. D. Chocyk, A. Proszynski, G. Gladyszewski
    Diffusional creep induced stress relaxation in thin Cu films on silicon
    Microelectronic Engineering 85 (2008) 2179-2182.

  11. A. Proszynski, D. Chocyk, G. Gladyszewski
    Stress modification in gold metal thin films during thermal annealing
    Optica Applicata Vol. 39 (4) (2009) 705-710.

  12. B. Bierska-Piech, D. Chocyk, A. Proszynski, E. Łągiewka
    The characteristic of the multilayer thin films by x-ray reflectometry method
    Solid State Phenomena Vol. 163 (2010) 80-83.

  13. D. Chocyk, A. Prószyński, G. Gladyszewski
    Effect of annealing on the mechanical behaviour of Au/Cu and Cu/Au bilayers on silicon
    Crystal Research and Technology 45 (12) (2010) 1272-1276.

  14. D. Chocyk, A. Prószyński, G. Gladyszewski
    Stress evolution during annealing of Cu/Au, Cu/Ag and Au/Ag bilayers
    Journal of Nanoscience and Nanotechnology 12 (11), (2012) 8647-8650.

  15. T. Zientarski, D. Chocyk
    Study of stress evolution in Cu/Au systems using molecular dynamics simulation
    Journal of Nanoscience and Nanotechnology 12 (11), (2012) 8561-8566.

  16. D. Chocyk, A. Proszynski
    Stress evolution of Au/Cu/Au tri-layer systems during annealing
    Applied Surface Science 260 (2012) 65-68.